Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Spiritual Journey

I was just thinking today about how long I have been a Christian, the churches that I have been a part of, and how different they are.  I have struggled over the years with the way Christians all have different beliefs or interpret scripture differently.  I was reading 1 Corinthians today and when I got to chapter 3 where Paul was addressing division in the church it made me start thinking about this.  I grew up in two different non-denominational churches.  The first one was "Cowboy Church" and the second was "Hosannah".  Both of them were pretty charismatic in most ways as far as speaking in tongues and worshipping with lots of freedom to raise your hands, dance or get on your knees and believing in prophecy.  Baptist was a bad word because they were stiff and not "filled with the Holy Spirit".  Since graduating from high school I have been a part of a few different denominations in one way or another and therefore have really had to search my heart and scripture to find the truth in all that I have learned.  I guess this is a lot to tackle in just one post.  At least it is for me.  I'm already getting tired of typing.  Anyway, basically I struggle with this desire to be free and "Charismatic" and yet not get so carried away with my emotions that I bypass truth.  I know there has to be a balance because God's word says that "true worshipers worship in Spirit and Truth".  (I am somewhat expecting someone to tell me that I am interpreting that wrong)  I guess this struggle I have is good because it is drawing me to seek Him more.  But, I feel that at the same time I am struggling with bitterness against those that challenge what I do believe or tell me that I am interpreting something in God's word incorrectly.  I will write more about this later.

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